This blog will give you tips on how to deal with angry customers along with email templates to handle irritate customers. If you run a SaaS business, you must have had angry customers over calls and email support all the time. But don’t worry, follow these tips and you’ll be able to retain even the most difficult customers.

Let’s first see what causes irritation and frustration in customers. This infographic defines some of the main reasons why customers get upset.

Common triggers of customer frustration in SaaS

How to Deal with Angry Customers

It is not easy to handle customers’ anger but this is a common experience in customer service. Sometimes, you just have to remain cool, listen to what they have to say, and try to make a turn around. In this guide, we will discuss some simple techniques on how to deal with difficult customers. These are some steps to handle angry customers:

  • Know why they are angry
  • Stay calm
  • Acknowledge customer’s emotions
  • Repeat their complain
  • Use positive words
  • Own the problem
  • Build Trust
  • Personalize the interaction
  • Thank them

Now after building the communication with the customer, you can

  • Move to a proper channel
  • Think critically
  • Explore solutions
  • Ask for help
  • Share with the team
  • Follow up

Know why they are angry

It is therefore imperative to be able to know why a customer is angry. People don’t come to you as an individual and get angry at you but they are angry at the situation they are in.
The fact of the matter is that, a single unhappy customer is likely to complain to 26 other people. The majority of the clients just exit without giving their opinion. That is why when a customer complains, they are giving a second chance to the organization.

Stay Calm

It is very important to keep our cool when handling an angry client. You need to know that the customer only wants to be heard. This will enable you to understand the problem better since you are not tensed up when listening to the problem.

Acknowledge your customer’s emotions

This means that the customer’s feelings have to be recognized and accepted in order to diffuse the situation. Use empathetic statements like:

“I know that this must be annoying”
“I understand why you are having this attitude”
“I can see that this must have been a rather difficult experience for you”
Thus, by acknowledging and reflecting the customer’s feelings, you can help the customer to relax.

Consider their affect heuristic.

The affect heuristic is a psychological bias in which decision making depends on peoples’ feelings and not on rational thinking. It will also depend with the current emotional status of the individuals in the situation. And Mood plays a very important role in the decision making process of the individual in question.
This will enable you to be more tolerant when dealing with the person involved in the situation.

Repeat what they said when answering to their query

Repeat what the customer said to you in his or her own words. This technique serves two purposes:

  • It makes the customer feel that you are in fact hearing what they have to say.
  • It helps you ensure that have not misunderstood the problem in any way.

For instance, you may argue, “Okay, so let me get this right, you are unhappy because…” This way, it is possible to avoid miscommunications and be sure that you are discussing the correct matters.

Use positive language

Language that is used in the communication process can greatly influence the results of the communication process. Concentration should be made on the possibilities one has than the impossibilities. Here are some examples of positive language:

  • Rather than saying ‘We can’t do that,’ say ‘This is what we can do. .. ‘
  • Say instead, “That’s not something we do” with “Let me find out how I am able to assist you even while adhering to our standards.
  • Instead of saying ‘I don’t know’ try saying ‘Let me check for you’.
  • Choosing our words carefully can work towards changing the focus of the discussion and may also demonstrate that you are there to assist.

It is Time to Own the Problem

When handling an angry customer the first thing which is very important is to own up to the problem. It’s about taking ownership of the consequences of our actions when it comes to our customers and making sure that every customer experience is smooth and positive.

The study reveal that apology is a better strategy in service recovery than just compensation. To apologize correctly you need toe be empathetic and specific , give an explanation, and acknowledge your mistake.

As you know, the simplest and the most affordable method to manage a negative experience is to say sorry to the customer.

Trust is a fundamental issue in the area of customer service for retention and this is where the concept of accountability comes in. It means that you will never compromise the standards of treating the customers equally and fairly.

The next thing is to make sure that the customer doesn’t face the same issue in order to retain that client.
This is to note that accountability and responsibility are two sides of the same coin. This is where being accountable differ from being responsible; while being accountable means saying sorry for what one has done, being responsible means that one has to act and act at the right time in order to address the issue of the customer.

Build trust

To handle an irritate customer, you need to first build in trust. Here are some ways to establish trust:

  • It is important that one is honest on what led to their problem
  • Take responsibility when appropriate
  • Only make commitments that you can fulfill
  • Stay connected with your customer, don’t leave their mail hanging for days. Even if you have not found the solution yet. Just let them know

Personalize the interaction

Personalized communication is the key to handle an irritate customer. Here’s how you can easily do that

  1. Using the Customer’s Name

Using the customers’ names when talking to them is one of the most basic means of offering service tailored for the customer. It is not just a check box item, it can be a powerful tool that can help change business like conversation into personal one. When you use a customer’s name, you are playing on the psychology of the customer – we are hard-wired to respond when our name is mentioned. This is quite a significant gesture that goes a long way in making the customers appreciate, and in the process create trust and wonderful experiences.
According to SuperOffice survey, only, 5% of businesses apply personalization mainly in the customer service department. This can be done by addressing the customers by their names in every interaction whether through phone, live chat or email.

  1. Adapting the Solutions to the Client’s Requirements

Customer Personalization is not just limited to using the customer’s name; it is about knowing the customer and his/her requirements. This approach involves:

  • Conducting thorough needs analysis
  • Adapting the solutions for particular needs of the clients
  • Ensuring the clients are followed up on regularly

Through the use of customer information such as purchase history and online behavior, you are in a position to understand the customers’ needs and present appropriate products and services. This being a personalized approach is not only likely to improve the satisfaction of the customers but also their tendency to buy again.

Here are some personalized email examples.

In case of product related complaints it is important to understand the customers’ grievance and provide a solution. First of all, you should apologize for all the negativity that may have been caused to the person. Next, describe what may have happened and give a background information of the occurrence. Here’s a template for product issues.

email template product issue

Service Failures

In service delivery issues, empathy is very vital. As a reminder, 80% of customers believe that a company’s experience is equally valuable as its products or services.

service failures email template

Billing and Payment Problems

Most of the times, billing problems can be very touchy. Be transparent about what happened and offer a clear resolution.

billing issue email templates

Delivery and Shipping Concerns

When addressing delivery problems, provide specific information about the order status and offer solutions.

shipping issue email templates

Thank them

It might seem odd to thank an angry customer, but this can be quite effective in calming the individual down. Thank them for their patience. This approach makes the person feel that you actually consider his or her opinion and that customer feedback is welcomed.

Go to a proper channel

This is because the current communication channel may not necessarily be the best to address the problem. Don’t be afraid to suggest moving the conversation to a different medium. From using the social network or sending a text message to a direct conversation on the phone. For video call for sharing the screen during the troubleshooting purposes. If one wants to share more information or documents regarding the topic in question, he or she can use email. Select the channel that can help to solve the problem and satisfy the customer in the best way.

Think critically

While this is quite important, one should also be able to assess the situation in a critical manner. Here are some steps to help you analyze the problem.

  • Explain to the customer each and every step of the process again.
  • Demand for detail in the answers to determine the location of a particular problem.
  • Think of the factors that maybe contributing to the customer’s anger
  • Analyze customer complaints to find out the common issues.

Explore solutions

Do not be limited to the first idea that comes in your mind. Take time to explore multiple options:

  • Get a feedback from the customer on what may be the possible solutions.
  • It is important to look for the quick solutions and the permanent solutions.
  • In fact, try to come up with unique solutions to the problems.
  • If you cannot meet the needs and expectations of the customer, try to find out what else can be done to meet the customer’s needs.

Also. give them several options for solution so they can choose which so ever suits them best.

Set clear next steps

It is very important to define the strategy when the most significant problem has been identified. This approach:

  • Tells the customer where they stand and what steps to be taken in order to come to a solution.
  • It proves that you are making effort and changes in order to improve.
  • Helps manage expectations
  • State clearly what will follow next, who will be involved and when the customer should expect further communication or the outcome of the case.

Ask for help

It is again of asking for help when in need of it. This could involve:

  • Speaking with a fellow member of staff who is more senior.
  • Taking the matter to the supervisor when the matter has become too much.
  • Interacting with other departments in a bid to get information from other individuals.

Share with the team

It is recommended to tell your team about the conflict that has just been dealt with. This practice makes other team members to learn from your mistakes as well as your success and results in a high quality service delivery to the customers. If these complaints become frequent, you may consider a solid solution to that query. You should try having a ‘Brew and Review’ meeting where the team members can share their experiences and give feedbacks.


Following up with the customer after resolving their issue will give an impression that you’re concerned about the issue and will also personalize their experience. Along with that, ask for their opinion so you can prevent any issues that might come in later.

For instance, if you had sent a product or a replacement product follow up to confirm if the recipient received it and if he is satisfied.

Email Templates to Calm Angry Customers

Below are four angry email templates that you can use as they are for various incidents that you may face with customers.

Product Issues Template

product issue email template

Billing Errors Template

customer service email template

Poor Service Experience Template

poor customer service email template

Technical Difficulties Template

technical issue resolve email template


What is important to know, every time you communicate with an angry client, it is a perfect opportunity to learn something new. To enhance your customer retention strategies, you should consider subscribing to Churnfree.


What are the main types of difficult customers and how can you effectively handle them?

There are five primary types of difficult customers:

  • The Demanding/Bully/Aggressive Customer: This type of problem calls for decisiveness and for the expression of the ideas in no uncertain terms as to what can be done.
  • The Complainer: These customers should be listened to and their needs understood as well as possible and where possible solutions should be offered to them.
  • The Confused Customer: Offer specific and simple information so that they can be able to make informed decisions.
  • The Impatient Customer: Ensure that the timelines are well communicated and that changes to the same are communicated in time to avoid inconveniences.
  • The Know-it-all Customer: Take their word but if they are wrong then correct them in a polite but not sarcastic manner.

How to handle an irritate customer through email?

To calm an irritated customer via email, consider using empathetic phrases such as:

I know you are angry, I would be as well in this case.

This must be really annoying for you and I can only imagine how we went wrong here.

I understand that you are unhappy.

What do you do when a customer is rude or when they complain?

In such a situation, do not lose your temper and carefully construct your responses to the customers’ words. Do not be offended when they make their comments. Try to hear what they have to say in return and if the situation calls for it then say sorry. But do not be too soft when dealing with them because at times you may have to be firm.

What is the best way to end a conversation with a rude customer?

Ending a conversation with a rude customer also needs one to be polite and not aggressive in a bid to avoid worsening the situation, and for the sake of your health. After that, you may say, ‘I don’t think this conversation is constructive anymore,’ in order to bring the conversation to a close.

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