SubtitleBee is a platform that automatically adds subtitles to videos supporting multiple languages. Facing fierce market competition, SubtitleBee noticed that they were consistently losing customers. Rather than implementing a wide array of churn reduction techniques, they chose to integrate Churnfree into their product.

This case study explores how SubtitleBee successfully reduced its churn rate by an impressive 40% using Churnfree.

Table of Contents

  1. Challenges
  2. SubtitleBee Strategy to Improve Customer Retention
  3. How did Churnfree help SubtitleBee Reduce Churn by 40%?
  4. Results
  5. Customer Testimonials - SubtitleBee
  6. Future Plans
  7. Final Words


Churnfree’s Retention Flow feedback helped SubtitleBee identify the reasons for churned customers. SubtitleBee’s customer specialist, Amaina, and their team members shared the challenges they faced in retaining customers.

amaina quote

Some of the major challenges identified were:

1. Technical Problems

Common glitches in uploading, exporting, and downloading frequently led to user dissatisfaction.

2. Inaccurate Subtitles

Sometimes SubtitleBee had Inconsistent or incorrect subtitles which caused frustration, and a lack of trust in the service. This caused major subscription cancellations.

3. Unavailable Features

Many users wanted more advanced features, like additional language options and customizable subtitles (e.g., TikTok-style subtitles). This made customers switch to alternative solutions.

SubtitleBee identified the causes of churn through Churnfree Feedback. Now, it was time to address them. Here are the steps they took to reduce churn:

SubtitleBee Strategy to Improve Customer Retention

SubtitleBee took the following proactive measures to address these challenges:

Immediate Troubleshooting

The customer support of SubtitleBee immediately provided on-spot solutions for these technical issues like uploading etc.

Detailed Documentation

SubtitleBee developed detailed documentation addressing these issues which helped users solve most of their problems on their own without contacting customer support.

Alternative Options to Cancellation

Unlike in the past when customers could easily cancel their subscriptions, SubtitleBee dedicated offers to canceling users using Churnfree Retention flow. These offers included options such as, discount offers for consumers and the possibility to freeze subscriptions. This strategy not only focused on possible roadblocks of a given software from a user’s perspective but also provided solutions that were feasible.

Product Improvement:

Drawing from the customer feedback, SubtitleBee stepped up product development and expanded the languages, meeting the customer needs and thus increasing satisfaction.

More Engagement:

To enhance the user experience, SubtitleBee implemented regular updates, newsletters, and user webinars to inform users about in-app updates, improvements, and new features they can use to make the most of the service.

Proactive Support:

The people at the support of SubtitleBee contacted users directly if they identified any problem instead of having to wait for complaints. This proactive method helped address issues before they turned into big issues, thus making the overall satisfaction level rise.

User Community:

Customer support provided the customers a platform where they could share their tips, consult, and provide feedback, therefore minimizing churn.

How did Churnfree help SubtitleBee Reduce Churn by 40%?

Integrating Churnfree’s Cancel Flow and Retention Flow Feedback significantly enhanced SubtitleBee’s customer retention strategy:

customer support specialist quote

Churnfree Feedback Feature

By systematically collecting feedback from customers who were about to cancel, SubtitleBee quickly understood and addressed their concerns. SubtitleBee found out that some users are switching to a different product due to missing features. They then started working on it to retain clients. This not only helped them retain clients but also helped in acquiring new clients.

Churnfree Retention Flow

SubtitleBee was able to provide various options to the clients who wanted to cancel. Discount offers and other related offers such as pause subscription options were some of the main strategies that would go a long way in maintaining customer loyalty.

Hence, offering specific retention options was a major contribution to the effort of cutting down the churn rate to 40%. Many customers felt that they were looked after, and a lot decided not to cancel their orders.

Automatic Subscription Pause:

SubtitleBee retained clients using Churnfree’s automatic subscription pause option. This gave customers the flexibility to suspend service for a short period without having to email support. The subscription continues after the pause period, saving customers from the hassle of reactivating it manually.

47.06% of users of SubtitleBee paused their subscription for 1-2 months and continued later.

reasons for saved cancellations


With Churnfree, SubtitleBee achieved the following results:

SubtitleBee churn stats
  • Saved requests: 39.1%

  • Cancelled requests: 60.8%

Reasons for Saved Requests

  • 42.45% of customers paused their subscriptions.
  • 5.66% of customers accepted a discount offer of 20% off for a lifetime.
reasons for saved cancellations

Reasons for Cancelled Requests

9.22% of cancellations were due to technical issues, which SubtitleBee promptly considered and resolved.

reasons for cancellations

Overall Metrics

  • Number of canceled requests: 1164
  • Number of saved requests: 748

Customer Testimonials - SubtitleBee

  • Jane Doe, Content Creator:

‘The ability to pause the subscription proved to be extremely useful for me,’ I loved it because it allowed me to avoid canceling this service.”

  • Charles Frederick Wilson, E-commerce store business owner:

“The discounted offer and the proactive support from SubtitleBee made me feel valued as a customer. I was almost ready to switch services, but their attention to my needs convinced me to stay.”

Future Plans

In the future, SubtitleBee is going to expand customer retention techniques by adjusting video subtitling characteristics according to the customers’ experiences and implementing new machine-learning techniques that will improve the quality of subtitles. In addition, they plan to introduce more features to the product.

Final Words

Churnfree assists B2B SaaS services and subscription based companies in reducing churn to the maximum. By providing detailed feedback insights, and retention offers, automatic pause subscription and an easy to use interface, Churnfree aids businesses in winning back clients.

This customer retention case study is an example of how addressing to customers issues can help improve your service and user base.

If your company is looking to reduce churn and enhance customer satisfaction, sign up for Churnfree today and transform your approach to customer retention.